Activity Viewers
These allow you to view specific activities occurring on actively monitored devices as they happen in real-time.
These viewers are no different than their 'activity log' counterparts, and the data is exactly the same, but might present the results differently (whether visually or through sorting) and have the ability to automatically refresh results.
- Events
This shows events such as websites viewed, programs started, etc.
- Files
Includes the action, filename, and date/time of the activity. Actions include copied, created, deleted, printed, and renamed.
- Keystrokes
Shows keystrokes typed including the window title they were typed in and how many total characters were typed. Click on 'show more' and 'show less' to toggle between the entire keystroke log recorded.
- Screenshots
As new screenshots are added to your account they will be shown upon refresh.
- Texts
Includes type (incoming/outgoing), the contact, the text message, and date/time of the activity.