
Here you will find 'everything else' such as your download page, contacting us, help documentation, and more.  Whenever you have a question you will generally be coming here to find the answer or contacting our staff for further assistance.


All changes made to both the software and your online account interface are listed here with dates and descriptions.  For instance, if we release a new version you can come here to see what was changed and how it affects you.

Contact us

Should you have a question that you cannot find the answer just contact our staff.  We will respond to your questions and concerns as best as we can.  Remember to be provide as much information as you can and be detailed in your explanation for the best possible support.

As all settings are synced automatically this page is purely for information purposes as it shows the last time a users settings were synced and if you have settings which have yet to be synced (pending status).  It can also be useful for debugging installation issues (usually not properly setting up the antivirus scanners on your device) as it will show if and when syncs have occurred.

Help Documentation

This is your go to resource for different areas of your account and how they function.

Installation guide

View step-by-step instructions for installing SentryPC on your device(s).  If you follow these as shown then it will ensure proper installation and operation of SentryPC.